
2008-05-24 23:37 siyiabc
Zola回复: 好啊,欢迎加入BLOGGER的行列,一起记录这个时代吧:)
The cyber voices in China are largely "harmonized" – on major Chinese commercial websites one can only hear uniform shouting such as "Resolutely oppose separatism!" Fortunately though, there are a few individual websites and blogs providing multiple points of view and objective assessments; one of them is Zuola.com. This site operates on a principle that "media should not be owned by government; from government comes propaganda. We all know, as common sense, information from CCTV is not all that believable. Treat it similarly with Westerners' quoting of RFA." --via Cyber Voices on Tibet - A Search For Balance
Mar 21, 2008 Xujun Eberlein
Hi, there
I'm droppin' by your blog by accident. After readin' the article " hazards of citizen journalism in China" at "time.com", i'd like to say you're a good role model of the young generation standin' up for injustice in China. Speakin' for the public is not easy, it's a need of great courage. Keepin' up your good job.
2008-05-06 01:58 Joan Doe
Zola回复: Thanks for your Comments.
Speech isn't need courage,it is free,and I hope it to be common sense.
I belive someting is getting better:)
2008-05-04 13:14 karlduan
Zola回复: 欢迎光临:)
2008-05-02 16:20 zola
2008-05-02 08:10 zola
Zola回复: 收到。测试成功

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